
Launch 🚀 hyperpost.peergos.me seeding 🌱 the IndyWeb of 🗪🗫Inter 🗣️Personal 🌐🕸️Web of 🤝Trust born ➿Inter ▶️Playable 🌲Evergreen ✨Apps

about-hyperpost | 🌐 - 🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨


peergos.path: /hyperpost/🌐/index.html

edit: link

secret.view: link 

view link 

secret.edit: link

sub.domain.link: 🧶HyperPost📰 | about🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨

secret.ink: link

web.link: 🧶HyperPost📰

> children


This Wiki is the single entrypoint to all work related to the development of HyperPost by the  creators of HyperPost

This used to be  the index.html file for the Peergos Folder that is designated to be Peergos hosted as HyperPost.peergos.me

it no longer is!

 /hyperpost/🌐/index.html  #

It relies on the pun that every subfolder will have an index.html page which itself is a self-contained Wiki powered by Feather Wiki and extended to be a WikiPlex page created by WikiNizeR

Use the power of creating non-linear interconnected network of pages in a self-contained wiki that itself provides extended wiki like organization of everything that is contained under the folder where the wiki is created as an index.html page for any Peergos folder.

The result is that, thanks to peergos we have a global human meaningful name for any folder/file created in a named Peergos file system. 

By adhering to the convention that a self-contained wiki is to be creaated as an index.html for any folder we can associate with any folder a wiki space which itself can be used to document what is contained in any folder.

this allows one to articulate the intent puprose salience relevance of all and any ionformation contained within a folder and do so recursively for all sufolders. 

Since these wikis are augmented with additional writing spaces we call HyyperWiki associated complexes that utilize a MarkIn Notation to create what we call Clueons, HTML pages that in turn can contain clue structures that have the property that any clue or any subclue would have automatically assigned a high resolution human meaningful address that extends the already established globa human menaingful intent bearing address of the associated wiki space, which in turn helps to make sense and utilize the peergos folder structure where they are created. The combination of wiki spaces and clueplex spaces and Peergos drives give us something we dreamed about for over a decade that we call minddrive.

note bene

the wiki pages that are created this way are intended to provide high level summaries and entry points to more detailed articulations and exposition of information and in fact intentional interpretable morphic capability structures that are referenced within the wiki pages. 

While these wiki pages are publicly available on the web, possibly indexable by search engines

> to.do - check indexing by search pages of html pages hosted by Peergos

hence accessible by anyone they contain references to Clues in CluePlexes which themsleves are accessible only within peer to peer communication channels from the author of the plexes so that noth parties of the peer to peer communication have recotrd of these micro information exchanges and provide the basis for establishing eventually trusted connections and conversations

do.how - agumented writing

This wiki page, in part is written as a clues structure.

Clues are added in line to the content of a page by using the Align Right '↤' button and written as a clue name

The formation rules for creating a clue and a clue name are not trivial, and in due course an appropriate wiki/plex page will be linked here

but sufficient to say that one is encourage to write anything that can direct the focus of attention and capture the intent of what the text following aligned to the left is about.

For easier comprehension one can also use

do.how - in line clue blocks

The formation rules of in line clue blocks are simple.

right aligned text names of indicate the purpose intent import of the clue as a structural block of text

the body is given as left aligned text until another right aligned text is introduced that marks the beginning of another clue and the end of the previous clue

do.how - sequence of clues

It is possible to write down a sequence of clues that in some way belong together

It is done as it is seen here by adding another right aligned clue head text

and body text

Then use a horizontal line to indicate as a senitel indicating the end of as sequence of clues that belong together

purpose - writing convention

The primary purpose of adopting this writing convention is to keep the flow of ideas taking shape in text in writing as unencombered as possible

Priporitizing getting ideas jottd down and worry about their further structuring and elaboration and delegating them to structurally appropriate contexts.

E.g. naming the block and create a wiki page or a clue in a mindplex

In both cases the body of the block will be moved into the page or plex and only a short text to indicate what has been relegaed to a page or a plex.

The original Feather Wiki Editor will be extended to ensure that the implicate intent can be turned into an intuitive working morphic affordance.

to.do-feat - relegate marked text block into wiki page or plex dot

motivation - writing convention

The primary purpose of devising these conventions is to keep the flow of ideas unimpeded

to allow changing the subject as easily as adding a fouple of new lines a right aligned txt and a horizontal line as appropriate

and leave it for a subsequent review reading of what is written to impose appropriate structuring via creating wiki pages and plex dots

or indeed relegate blocks into 

Quite clearly Feather Wiki came up with these morphic affordances for its wiki editor

what we are trying to accomplish  with extending it into wikinizer and the addition of Clue Plexed Dots is to create ultimately a global network of interpersonal hyper documents wikis and plexes where each self-contained wiki can have bidirectional links and indeed transclusions across wikis and plexes not only across fodlers in once MindDrive but across MindDrives anywhere on the IndyWeb

It features the start.page - 🧶HyperPost📰 as the first item in the Wiki Outline on the left 

experimenting editing with subdomain


  • looks like keeping the wiki open for extended period makes it stale and saving the wiki in the Peergos filesystem could fail
  • Need to close the wiki page
  • and reopen it
  • then it seems to work

This is the about page for 🧶HyperPost📰

  • this is an early experiment in
  • using Feather Wiki a Peergos Custom Apps  available from a collection of example apps for running in Peergos
  • I am recreating WikiNizeR for the IndyWeb as a Peergos Custom App: 
  • Engaging in 
    • autopoietic progressive emergent meta-design
      • defined as systematic articulation of intent in a reason-able form that guides its growth towards real-isation as a  progressively working system.
  • Leveraging the existing articulative affordances of Feather Wiki and extending it to become WikiNizer
  • WikiNizeR will play nicely not only with all other Peergos Apps but with the rest of the Web, it will WikiNize every page it touches. It will make every page to be an integral part of any 1's own indranet.work space

edit.link: /hyperpost/🌐/index.html


We are getting ready to be ready for 🚀 Launching 🧶HyperPost📰 as our 

Minimal Viable Prototype and technology demonstrator for the InterPersonal IndyWeb that can weave the Mutual Web for scaling synthesis with reach for Me2We4All

🧶HyperPost📰 is intended to become the 🏗️Maker ⚙️App for the 🦄IndyWeb🕸️ scaling mutual learning, symmathesy, scaling trust, reach and mutual synthesis required to tackle complex problems together me2we2all

seeding 🌱 the 🎭InterPersonal, 🔁Mutual Web of 🤝Trust 

with born Inter-🎮Playable, 👤User 🛠️Tinkerabke/Composable ⚙️Apps 

powered by ♖Peergos.Net human memorable named global searchebale, private, secure, replicateable, atonomous, private, local first, file systems and trust based social networks that can be completed to become

a zero friction, 🌲Evergreen, lively, named ℹ️info-🗫communication -🖧infra structure network



nothing to see here you need to know the true name of things here to access them


.end - comment


add links to things here

use it as a scratchpad otherwise



  • Reimaging the Wiki
    • Create HyperText for Private use
    • share it for collaboration with your readers
    • let them annotate
    • in line comment and initiate threaded conversaions
  • use the Power of wiki like organization: 
  • WikiNize everything
  • write right wehere U R 
    • plain HTML organized into clues
    • and when you reach the edge of your knowledge
    • that you can captore in the page flow
    • clreate a link to a page you name appropriately over ther
    • do not get bogged down into trying to get a word or two that fits into the current narative
    • yet can double a s a meaning ful name of a page

  • Pages-in-a-Page
  • abolish location adressing
  • but whenever you put thinks into a folder structure
  • that provides human meaningful permanent addresses in Pergos
  • by construction add and index.html file that gives you a space
  • (not a place) to articulate your intent, give an overview a curated
  • landing page for the folder in a dedicated path

now the moment of truth #

can I share this with a secret link and somehow make it writable?


manually maintain an outline of wikinized peergos folders

reflected as nested wiki page structures and Wikis

wikinized meaning folders that have index.html files that are self-contained Feather Wiki Based wikis

Like this one here

start-page - 🧶hyperpost📰


this is the index.html file

 for the Peergos Folder for the Peergos Powered Web hosted folder for the Peergos user: hyperpost

It relies on the pun that every subfolder will have an index.html page which itself is a self-contained Wiki powered by Feather Wiki and extended to be a WikiNizer

do.how - progressive elaboration

A note on how to read this or any Wiki Page that is created with a view to transitioning part of the content in a next generation

Wiki the autopoietic universal wiki that works with HyperPlex Documents and is capable of extending itself and be used to elaborate all information processing affordances per se


Use WikiNizeR's progressively meta-designed progressively real-ised affordances to bootstrap its autopoietic capabilities of all its constituent holons

This Page also plays the role of organizing and presenting all entry points to every folder introduced under the folder that contains an index.html page

leveraging the Pun that for each Peergos Folder will have an index.html page that is a WikiNizer Page

so that from this unique start page at the root of the Peergos hosted Web site for the hyperpost peergos account

So there is a direct mapping of the folder structure to this very wiki page so that every folder will have a path within this Root WikiNizeR page

I do have a clear vision of how all this should look and work like

and betting the house on using this self-contained self-extensible Wiki to do it all when combinded with HyperPlex Editor

for anything that is referenced on this page that requires further elaboration I will use the Power of the Wiki concept.

viz when you have more to say on a related topic, just create  a new Wiki Page

The way the wiki works it will keep track of what needs to be elaborated in the future

This wiki pages introduced on the flie themselves will act as pages where all future created HyperPlex pages will be listed in a narrative context developed in WikiNizer aa new bread of Wiki we could call WikiPlex

about - WikiPlex

I just came up with this name WikiPlex a new extended integral concept of the Wiki for the IndyWeb

recognizing that non-linear structures can be added super powers by introducing a new naming convention which itself is composed of two parts and intent part (verb phrase) and a nount phrase 

the  Predicate-Object part of the triple in Semantic Web Parlance Subject-Predicate-Object

that is also referred to w as a Rheme

that gives a more expressive tessellation of a graph or network of Pages

also understand that those names acts as naming Clues

So can be referred to as names that give the reader a clue regarding not only what is the subject matter that is being written about

but the intent purpuse pertinent aspect that is the focus of attention to which what is written down gives further clues

Anything that one writed down on a wiki page that is given a clueful name will ipso factor be created as a WikiPlex page and only a link to it will  be saved in the Wiki

We can do all this by hand 

and as we get this working and showing its worth as we do it manually it will give us the starting point for implementing necessary functions and affordances.

So this is the way we can grow organically the whole system


It is all about supporting a flow of augmented articulations

Everything that 1 writes will take place on a WikiPage

= Topics

Add topics Wiki Pages as sub pages to this page


Here are some development notes

  • tring to set up search pages
  • also set generate html
  • add old index content

feat - snarf-n-comment

dev-notes /

Feat - Snarf-n-comment

wikinize panic

wikinize - hyperpost - panic



This Feather Wiki is dedicated to gather,  curate, create and organize all information pursuant to our long term pursuit of developing the the concept and the very first IndyApp: HyperPost itself.

Instead of "Moving Fast and Breaking Things" we had been "moving slow and making things", over decades experimenting, scouting technologies tht owuld be needed and to figure out what is really required.

Seeking not alphas and exponential extractive returns, but the Sweet Spot that would raise the tide that would lift all boats, beyond the threshold that is required for the benefit of people and participants of their onwed networks.

If it sounds like we are attempting to "boil the ocean" we are/ YThankfully we are not alone.

We have Prtocol Lab with the mission of creating the new web that could fulfill its original promise of the web by carefully crafting a new protocol that plays nicely with the existing web yet able to replace the host/provider centric location addressed web with an evergreen permanent web that is content addressed and interplanetary. Building on theis new Paradigm the folks at Peergos.net has been getting ready to biold the ocean by fashioning a nove info-communicaiton-apps infrastructure that has People at the center, provides human meaningful names for actors, information and the very capabilities needed to managage, create morph emrgent collaboratively created information involving people forming theior own trust networks of friends and colaborators.

You can join this new web either by creating an account with Peergos.net, or run your own Peergos server on your own macines and create global idetities for all your friend and would be collaborators. That is now possible.

With HyperPost we have two primary goals

  1. Make on boarding to the new Web We like to call the IndyWeb with zero friction. Make it possible for anyone with an existing Peergos account to invite theeir friends and trusted parties into this new world, collaborate freely and develop new capabilities together.
  2. Any one in this emergent network will then be able to be given a Peergos account as long as at least one memebr of the network runs their owned Peergos server or purchases an account with Peergos.

We are using existing capabilities available on Peergos. 

Peergos supports so called custom apps, that makes it possible to "host" applications on Peergos.net such that they would come to users to work on their own files available in the Peergos File system. Anyone at anytime can run Peergos on their own(ed) machines and mirror their account locally. Thereby creating a local mirror of all the information theyy create and engage with. so that they are able to work local-firt and even offline first withall the information that are owned by their own (or any mirroed) Peergos account

HyperPost is designed to become The Maker App for the IndyWeb and the IndyNet, The People Powered Autonomous Internet.

warning - this is all work in progress 

Scaling SymmAutoPoesys

we are creating a launch.community for hyperpost for this work.

Soon there will be an invite-link  here that would enable people to connect with us and join the launch community

We are using Feather Wiki as a Custom App

Peergos already flips the current paradigm of the web

It is already an infrastructure for autonomous interpersonal private secure computing

We are using it here. That means for example regarding the Wiki concept

it allows anywone with a Peergos account to reate their own wiki and control access while maintainng full ownership and autonomy for their work. Pergos.org allows us to use this service, but anyone can host their own pergos server and even mirro their named account on their local computer. Meaning that even if Peergos.net stops opertin one can still able to use everything they had created and shared

 the infrastructure to weave a local first even offline people centered 

writing to think - note trying to tell but get to the poisnt whre it can be shown and used rather then told

so as to enable people who are ready to converse and contribute to it can be all converse in one shared open space

Hyperpost itself relies aspires to be embody a "sweet spot" to deliver what is required beyond the current thresholds o possibilities 

the sweet spot the way you make progress here is you pick the thing that is just over that threshold that is qualitatively better 00:50:21 than all the rest of the crap

the sweet spot

  • you've got to get over the threshold

on a novel, people as Autonomous Actors in a named networked info-communication-capability infrastructure we refer to as the IndyWeb

By focusing on a minimal viable subset of capabilities that can deliver immediate widely appreciable compelling user value we are engaged in creating a cogent consistent coherent and complete interplaying networks of capabilities to the point that it is all working and provide an instance first realisation of the shared vision.

as a way of making all the holonic component across aspects and concerns into a Whole comprised of holons instantiating one possible realization of an infrastructure that is required


A key concept to HyperPost

scaterred - Wikis

background #

started using Feather Wiki a couple of weeks ago. It opnned up the prospect of accellrating synthesis work

Feather Wiki is geared towards creating Structured well organized narrtive documents enhanced by wiki lik eorganization

Alas sometimes it is not possible to save pages, so there is a constant thread of information loss, that is particularly painful when 1 writes to think.

about-hyperpost | 🌐 - 🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨ /

gloss - Interpersonal Computing

stub #

Steve Job saw the future beyond Personal Computing as InterPersonal computing.

Having dismissed from Apple, he went on the create the NeXT workstation for the future

based on desin inspired by Linux in which LAN and WAN networking was given a key role

The very thin that he dismissed and ignored decades earlier.

Later on he did acknowledge that the ideas he picked up at Xerox when was given demos that he paid for a couple million dollars,

he only groked abot 10% of wht had been shon

= Topics /


is: topic


 Named Associative Complexes of Clue Pages or Clueons that are introduced in WikiNizer pages

Indy HyperPlex neworks connecting People and Ideas and conversations


maintain a listing of non folder wikis

about-hyperpost | 🌐 - 🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨ /

Creators Of Hyperpost

parent: about🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨

The idea of HyperPost was conceived back in 2017 in conversations between Gyuri Lajos and Christopher P. Goodman as a way to articulate what Gyuri Lajos been trying to accomplish by working on Personalized Mobile computing since 2002 and WkiNizer since 2012. In 2017 we thought it is time to ship something having been boiling the ocean for a decade or so.

Trying to launch a Minimal Viable Prototype based on the work that he did in collaboration with Andrew B. Benedek between 2012 and 2014.

For the past 3 years Gyuri Lajos been working closely with Gien, Yarrow and Parmjit on the idea of IndyWeb, IndyWiki, IndyVerse etc

There is a long list of people that provided inspiration and valuable input to the development of the IndyWeb and HyperPost and all that

The closest to what hyperpost hyperwiki is growing into is anagora.org.

Anagora has remained in the world of wikis defined as collaborative non linear wiriting spaces

HyperPost and WikiNizer took it as its starting point to autment the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being and from the start aimed at creating an integral info-communication autopoietic infrastructure that is

  • local first
  • personal first
  • private first
  • multiplayer first
    • where personal work is enisaged as conversation across one's devices with one self and across time
  • with full history of co-evolution that can be examined on demand and vesions compared


gyuri-lajos at anagora.org
