about-hyperpost | 🌐 - 🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨
peergos.path: /hyperpost/🌐/index.html
edit: link
secret.view: link
view link
secret.edit: link
sub.domain.link: 🧶HyperPost📰 | about🧶🗞📰🚀♖🌱🖧🦄🎮🤝✨
secret.ink: link
web.link: 🧶HyperPost📰
> children
This Wiki is the single entrypoint to all work related to the development of HyperPost by the creators of HyperPost
This used to be the index.html file for the Peergos Folder that is designated to be Peergos hosted as HyperPost.peergos.me
it no longer is!
/hyperpost/🌐/index.html #
It relies on the pun that every subfolder will have an index.html page which itself is a self-contained Wiki powered by Feather Wiki and extended to be a WikiPlex page created by WikiNizeR
Use the power of creating non-linear interconnected network of pages in a self-contained wiki that itself provides extended wiki like organization of everything that is contained under the folder where the wiki is created as an index.html page for any Peergos folder.
The result is that, thanks to peergos we have a global human meaningful name for any folder/file created in a named Peergos file system.
By adhering to the convention that a self-contained wiki is to be creaated as an index.html for any folder we can associate with any folder a wiki space which itself can be used to document what is contained in any folder.
this allows one to articulate the intent puprose salience relevance of all and any ionformation contained within a folder and do so recursively for all sufolders.
Since these wikis are augmented with additional writing spaces we call HyyperWiki associated complexes that utilize a MarkIn Notation to create what we call Clueons, HTML pages that in turn can contain clue structures that have the property that any clue or any subclue would have automatically assigned a high resolution human meaningful address that extends the already established globa human menaingful intent bearing address of the associated wiki space, which in turn helps to make sense and utilize the peergos folder structure where they are created. The combination of wiki spaces and clueplex spaces and Peergos drives give us something we dreamed about for over a decade that we call minddrive.
note bene
the wiki pages that are created this way are intended to provide high level summaries and entry points to more detailed articulations and exposition of information and in fact intentional interpretable morphic capability structures that are referenced within the wiki pages.
While these wiki pages are publicly available on the web, possibly indexable by search engines
> to.do - check indexing by search pages of html pages hosted by Peergos
hence accessible by anyone they contain references to Clues in CluePlexes which themsleves are accessible only within peer to peer communication channels from the author of the plexes so that noth parties of the peer to peer communication have recotrd of these micro information exchanges and provide the basis for establishing eventually trusted connections and conversations
do.how - agumented writing
This wiki page, in part is written as a clues structure.
Clues are added in line to the content of a page by using the Align Right '↤' button and written as a clue name
The formation rules for creating a clue and a clue name are not trivial, and in due course an appropriate wiki/plex page will be linked here
but sufficient to say that one is encourage to write anything that can direct the focus of attention and capture the intent of what the text following aligned to the left is about.
For easier comprehension one can also use
do.how - in line clue blocks
The formation rules of in line clue blocks are simple.
right aligned text names of indicate the purpose intent import of the clue as a structural block of text
the body is given as left aligned text until another right aligned text is introduced that marks the beginning of another clue and the end of the previous clue
do.how - sequence of clues
It is possible to write down a sequence of clues that in some way belong together
It is done as it is seen here by adding another right aligned clue head text
and body text
Then use a horizontal line to indicate as a senitel indicating the end of as sequence of clues that belong together
purpose - writing convention
The primary purpose of adopting this writing convention is to keep the flow of ideas taking shape in text in writing as unencombered as possible
Priporitizing getting ideas jottd down and worry about their further structuring and elaboration and delegating them to structurally appropriate contexts.
E.g. naming the block and create a wiki page or a clue in a mindplex
In both cases the body of the block will be moved into the page or plex and only a short text to indicate what has been relegaed to a page or a plex.
The original Feather Wiki Editor will be extended to ensure that the implicate intent can be turned into an intuitive working morphic affordance.
to.do-feat - relegate marked text block into wiki page or plex dot
motivation - writing convention
The primary purpose of devising these conventions is to keep the flow of ideas unimpeded
to allow changing the subject as easily as adding a fouple of new lines a right aligned txt and a horizontal line as appropriate
and leave it for a subsequent review reading of what is written to impose appropriate structuring via creating wiki pages and plex dots
or indeed relegate blocks into
Quite clearly Feather Wiki came up with these morphic affordances for its wiki editor
what we are trying to accomplish with extending it into wikinizer and the addition of Clue Plexed Dots is to create ultimately a global network of interpersonal hyper documents wikis and plexes where each self-contained wiki can have bidirectional links and indeed transclusions across wikis and plexes not only across fodlers in once MindDrive but across MindDrives anywhere on the IndyWeb
It features the start.page - 🧶HyperPost📰 as the first item in the Wiki Outline on the left
experimenting editing with subdomain
- looks like keeping the wiki open for extended period makes it stale and saving the wiki in the Peergos filesystem could fail
- Need to close the wiki page
- and reopen it
- then it seems to work
This is the about page for 🧶HyperPost📰
- this is an early experiment in
- using Feather Wiki a Peergos Custom Apps available from a collection of example apps for running in Peergos
- I am recreating WikiNizeR for the IndyWeb as a Peergos Custom App:
- Engaging in
- autopoietic progressive emergent meta-design
- defined as systematic articulation of intent in a reason-able form that guides its growth towards real-isation as a progressively working system.
- Leveraging the existing articulative affordances of Feather Wiki and extending it to become WikiNizer
- WikiNizeR will play nicely not only with all other Peergos Apps but with the rest of the Web, it will WikiNize every page it touches. It will make every page to be an integral part of any 1's own indranet.work space
- facilitate annotations and threaded conversations over the web
- Bringing gloss - InterPersonal Computing Itself to the web as is
edit.link: /hyperpost/🌐/index.html
We are getting ready to be ready for 🚀 Launching 🧶HyperPost📰 as our
Minimal Viable Prototype and technology demonstrator for the InterPersonal IndyWeb that can weave the Mutual Web for scaling synthesis with reach for Me2We4All
🧶HyperPost📰 is intended to become the 🏗️Maker ⚙️App for the 🦄IndyWeb🕸️ scaling mutual learning, symmathesy, scaling trust, reach and mutual synthesis required to tackle complex problems together me2we2all
seeding 🌱 the 🎭InterPersonal, 🔁Mutual Web of 🤝Trust
with born ➿Inter-🎮Playable, 👤User 🛠️Tinkerabke/✨Composable ⚙️Apps
powered by ♖Peergos.Net human memorable named global searchebale, private, secure, replicateable, atonomous, private, local first, file systems and trust based social networks that can be completed to become
a zero friction, 🌲Evergreen, lively, named ℹ️info-🗫communication -🖧infra structure network
nothing to see here you need to know the true name of things here to access them
.end - comment
add links to things here
use it as a scratchpad otherwise
- Reimaging the Wiki
- Create HyperText for Private use
- share it for collaboration with your readers
- let them annotate
- in line comment and initiate threaded conversaions
- use the Power of wiki like organization:
- WikiNize everything
- write right wehere U R
- plain HTML organized into clues
- and when you reach the edge of your knowledge
- that you can captore in the page flow
- clreate a link to a page you name appropriately over ther
- do not get bogged down into trying to get a word or two that fits into the current narative
- yet can double a s a meaning ful name of a page
- Pages-in-a-Page
- abolish location adressing
- but whenever you put thinks into a folder structure
- that provides human meaningful permanent addresses in Pergos
- by construction add and index.html file that gives you a space
- (not a place) to articulate your intent, give an overview a curated
- landing page for the folder in a dedicated path
now the moment of truth #
can I share this with a secret link and somehow make it writable?